The mid-term meeting of the Choko-agE project has been held in the beautiful location of the “Sport, Mountains and Health Research Centre” (Ce.Ri.S.M.) of Rovereto, Italy on December 2nd 2022. This conference has marked an important step for the project to verify that, after 18 months since the kickoff, all the activities are in progress and the expected milestones of the scientific program have been reached. Also, this was a precious occasion for the project’s participants to reunite in person and discuss the progresses of the scientific program, to present preliminary results, and to reinforce the consortium networking and the strategy for the next phase of the project. The scientific program was opened by the institutional addresses of Prof Barbui (Director of Department of Neuroscience University of Verona) and Prof. Schena (Director of Ce.Ri.S.M.) and Prof. Mathers of the JPI-HDHL scientific board, to follow with a series of key note lectures by project’s coordinator Prof. Galli, the local organizer and unit coordinator Prof. Venturelli, the unit coordinators Prof. Jackson, Prof. Vina and Prof. Wang, and presentation by all the research Units and external partners of the consortium including Perugina, Nestlé Italiana and Molecular Horizon. The program also included a visit and scientific workshop at the laboratories and training facilities of Ce.Ri.S.M. that are used for the clinical trial of the project. The high number of participants, including also scientists and students external to the consortium, and the stimulating discussion during the talks and the workshop, witness the success of this initiative and of the entire project.
Find the event agenda here.