The latest

CHOKO-AGE Team meeting in Liverpool, UK
On September 18th and 19th, 2023, the Choko-Age team convened at the University of Liverpool, UK.
The meeting served as an opportunity to provide updates on the progress of in vitro experiments at each institution and to formulate a plan for the final analysis, along with…

CHOKO-AGE on “Lavoce” newspaper
Lavoce, a local newpaper in Umbria, just reported about the Choko-Age project. The article in italian is free to read….

CHOKO-AGE finalist in WHO’s global video contest
The movie “Movement and Nutrition: a successful aging” submitted by the University of Verona is among the finalists of the WHO’s video contest “Health for All Film FestivalFestival”. The winner will be announced on…

Report of the CHOKO-AGE Mid-term Conference held in Rovereto on December 2nd, 2022
The mid-term meeting of the Choko-agE project has been held in the beautiful location of the “Sport, Mountains and Health Research Centre” (Ce.Ri.S.M.) of Rovereto, Italy on December 2nd 2022.

CHOKO-AGE Mid-term Conference in Rovereto on December 2nd, 2022
The Choko-Age consortium will host its mid-term conference in Rovereto on December 2nd, 2022. The one-day event will be divided as follows:…

CHOKO-AGE papers presented at VESS3 “100 Years of vitamin E”, 23 of August, Ghent Belgium
On August 23rd 2022, just before the Redox Biology Congress 2022, the 3rd Vitamin E Satellite Symposium (VESS-3) took place. The event was dedicated to the celebration of the 100 Years of discovery of Vitamin E. both the symposium and the joint conference were crucial moments for promoting the Project and sharing some of its early results.

Updates from the Choko-age project: clinical trial recruitment underway
Can chocolate, one of the most popular sweets, rich in vitamin E and polyphenols, also help in reducing the risk of protein-energy malnutrition and frailty in the elderly with cognitive decline? Naturally combined with a structured physical activity program.

100 Years of Vitamin E:
3° Vitamin E Satellite Symposium 23 of August, 2022, Ghent, Belgium
2022 marks 100 years of the discovery of vitamin E. To celebrate, the 3° Vitamin E Satellite Symposium (VESS-3) will be held on the 23/08/2022 in Ghent, Belgium. The event will be a crucial moment to share the research done under the Choko-Age Project.

Progetto CHOKO-AGE presentato ad Eurochocolate 2021 | The CHOKO-AGE Project presented at Eurochocolate 2021
Il progetto europeo CHOKO-AGE è stato presentato ad Eurochocolate 2021 in un apposito gazebo grazie all’ospitalità del Comune di Bastia Umbra e delle sue Farmacie Comunali.

CHOKO-AGE presentato agli “Avanti Tutta Days” a Perugia
[Also in English] Dal 10 al 13 settembre, presso il Barton Park di Perugia, si sono svolti gli Avanti Tutta days, evento annuale organizzato da Avanti Tutta Onlus impegnata nella promozione di uno stile di vita sano.
Choko-Age ha fatto la sua prima comparizione pubblica in presenza attraverso uno stand dell’Ateneo di Perugia, che coordina il consorzio di ricerca.

Kick-off meeting press-release
The European Project CHOKO-AGE had its official kick-off on July 9th 2021 with a public event hosted online by the University of Perugia’s YouTube channel. The recorded streaming of the event can be viewed by clicking here….
CHOKO-AGE’s kick-off event: 9th July, 2021
To celebrate the start of the research activities, the CHOKO-AGE team organized a launch event to present future activities. The meeting will be streamed on….
Get to know the project’s partners
Five prestigious European universities and two important industrial partners take part in the CHOKO-AGE project. To enhance the work of each of the participants on the CHOKO-AGE website there is a dedicated page for each of them. From there it is also possible to take a virtual tour in some of them and see the spaces in which the project research will develop. It is possible to access the dedicated pages by
The CHOKO-AGE Project gets funded
The elderly are naturally vulnerable to muscle wasting due to lowered efficacy of metabolic processes and undernutrition. This may lead to a significant loss of muscle function and a general decline in the quality of life. CHOKO-AGE is a scientific project funded by one of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) calls of the H2020 European programme (ERA-HDHL cofunded) that aims to tackle….