The European Project CHOKO-AGE had its official kick-off on July 9th 2021 with a public event hosted online by the University of Perugia’s YouTube channel. The recorded streaming of the event can be viewed by clicking here, along with the event agenda and the Project’s leaflet.
CHOKO-AGE is a scientific EU-funded project that aims to investigate the combined effect of new nutritional solutions and physical exercise on protein-energy malnutrition and on the metabolic decline of muscle tissue in the elderly.
The meeting was opened by Prof. Galli of the University of Perugia which coordinates the Project and Dr. Gay Sophie who is responsible for the secretariat of the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ (JPI HDHL) which is funding the CHOKO-AGE Project (ERA HDHL cofunded) of the Horizon-2020 EU program, with the support of National research agencies. Representatives from all the institutions participating in the Project have highlighted the importance of this scientific initiative, renewing their commitment and enthusiastic support to the Consortium of partners, and the interest toward the tangible nature of the Project.
The main section of the event was the presentation of the activities that institutional and private units will carry out during the 3-year program of this project. Presentations were by the coordinators of the five university and research partners, and the external partners Perugina (Nestlé Group) and Molecular Horizon SRL that are responsible for producing a newly-developed chocolate product rich in vitamin E, and of providing support in data management and bioinformatic studies. More information about the specific activities can be found at the Project’s website.
Dr. Marta Piroddi (Molecular Horizon SRL) and Dr. Giovanni Rende (external communication consultant) presented the data management strategy and the communication and dissemination plan of the project, respectively. Concluding remarks were by Prof. Galli.
Keep updated with the Project by subscribing to the newsletter on the Project’s website and following the Project’s Linkedin page. You are welcome to get in touch with us by emailing us at [email protected].
The CHOKO-AGE Project: Improving quality of life combining optimal nutrition and physical exercise.